Online platform selling quality tailor-made shirts benefits from selection of optimum supplier and efficient logistic solution.


InShirtWeTrust website introduces an innovative and user-friendly online platform selling tailor-made shirts to its clients.

After a few clicks and provision of basic physical dimensions, InShirtWeTrust platform arranges transport and delivery of shirts to the location of its clients in less than 15 days.


InShirtWeTrust business model required to overcome a range of challenges to be attractive to online customers:

  • Set up of a registered entity close to suppliers to facilitate communication and operations;
  • The research of reliable quality shirts manufacturers is definitely a hard task as tailor-made shirts are made of hundreds of details sometimes omitted by inaccurate suppliers;
  • Each shirt has to be sent individually requiring cost efficient logistics.

          Innotek Asia Services:

Innotek Asia supported Inshirtwetrust to build an effective organization and optimize its operations through:

    • Registration and legal set-up of a limited company in the tax friendly environment of Hong Kong;
    • Contactvisitnegotiation and careful selection of tailor-made shirt producers.
    • Logistic optimization negotiated with an express company.

Customer Benefits: